### Author: Mauricio Esguerra
### Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
### Update: Wednesday, November 9, 2020
1. Basic Commands
list databases
\c dbname
connect (select) database
once connected to db shows tables of db
SELECT * FROM protein LIMIT 10;
show first ten columns of data in table protein
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('mydbname'));
show database size
delete from protein;
delete all values in table protein
list all users
2. General
To access postgres as root:
sudo -u postgres -i
To restore a database dump:
psql -U dbuser -h localhost mydbname < dbdump.sql
Note that to restore a database dump in parallel a couple of special
requirements are needed.
- Can only be done with pg_restore
- pg_dump has to be used to create the dump, and it has to be a directory
dump using the -f flag.
- The versions of pg_dump and pg_restore must coincide.